Muñoz et al., 2012

Paper Title

The Amsterdam–Granada Light Scattering Database

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Muñoz, O., Moreno, F., Guirado, D., Dabrowska, D. D., Volten, H., & Hovenier, J. W. (2012). The Amsterdam–Granada light scattering database. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 113(7), 565-574.

BibTex File

The Amsterdam Light Scattering Database proved to be a very successful way of promoting the use of the data obtained with the Amsterdam Light Scattering apparatus at optical wavelengths. Many different research groups around the world made use of the experimental data. After the closing down of the Dutch scattering apparatus, a modernized and improved descendant, the IAA Cosmic Dust Laboratory (CoDuLab), has been constructed at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA) in Granada, Spain. The first results of this instrument for water droplets and for two samples of clay particles have been published. We would now like to make these data also available to the community in digital form by introducing a new light scattering database, the Amsterdam–Granada Light Scattering Database ( By combining the data from the two instruments in one database we ensure the continued availability of the old data, and we prevent fragmentation of important data over different databases. In this paper we present the Amsterdam–Granada Light Scattering Database.