Martikainen et al., 2025

Paper Title

Database of Martian dust optical properties in the UV-vis-NIR


Julia Martikainen, Olga Muñoz, Juan Carlos Gómez Martín, María Passas Varo, Teresa Jardiel, Marco Peiteado, Yannick Willame, Lori Neary, Tim Becker, Gerhard Wurm, Database of Martian dust optical properties in the UV-vis-NIR, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 537, Issue 2, February 2025, Pages 1489–1503,


The experimental data base of scattering matrices of three well-characterized Martian dust analogues with narrow particle size distributions representative of Martian dust aerosols is used to check the the suitability of hexahedra model particles to reproduce the scattering behaviour of realistic polydisperse irregular particles at 488 and 640 nm. In general, the hexahedra model performs well. The scattering matrix elements as functions of the scattering angle can be reproduced with good accuracy for particle size distributions that contain small particles; however, the discrepancies increase with increasing particle size due to wavelength-scale surface roughness and internal structure found within large dust grains that are not accounted for by the smooth hexahedra model particles. We further perform sensitivity tests to study the effect of absorption, real part of the complex refractive index, and particle size distribution within the model to understand their contribution to the modelled scattering matrix elements. By using the best-fitting parameters from the sensitivity study, we have created a data base of optical properties that includes bulk extinction efficiencies, single-scattering albedos, asymmetry factors, extinction cross-sections, and phase matrices of the analogue samples from 200 to 2000 nm. The obtained values can be further used in radiative-transfer simulations. This work emphasizes the importance of accounting for the full scattering matrix as information on particle shape, size, and complex refractive index is lost when omitting polarization.