Average Aerosol

Practical significance

Interpretation of remote sensing data. Analogues of other planets' atmospheric dust, and dust in comets, asteroids, and circumstellar shells

Main constituent
Silicates (feldspar, red clay, quartz, loess, Pinatubo volcanic ash, Lokon volcanic ash, Sahara sand)
Particle size Fraunhofer: reff (μm)
reff between 1 and 8 micrometers
Size distribution plot:
Number size distribution
Projected-surface-area distribution
Particle shape


Scattering matrix (1) wavelength in nm
442.00 nm
Scattering matrix (1) table
Scattering matrix (1) plot:
Average of measurements for seven mineral samples at 441.6nm and 632.8nm the yellow regions are the domains in which the individual measurements lie.
Refractive index

Estimated to be in the range [1.5-1.7] + i[0.00001-0.001]

Scattering matrix from combined 441.6 nm and 632.8 nm. 

Angle range (deg)